Scleroderma Part 1

I was born in the year of 1988. A healthy born girl that came out of her mother's womb. Babies' life is so wonderful. Full of toys, laugh, cry, making all those cute noises, no need to worry on what we gonna be doing for a few months, liquid food and those well nutrition mother's breast milk and not to forget, our smelly poo poo/ urine are well taken cared of.

As years gone by, I went to primary school. I was a fat little (well, not really that little) girl. I hate exercise and would always stuffed my mouth with all those unhealthy food. I was in the TAF (Trim and Fit) Club. I remembered that there is a teacher said that it was suppose to be FAT Club not TAF Club. The teachers decided to switched both letters so that the fat students won't feel upset. Well, I thought the teacher's story is bullshit and even if they didn't switch the letters, I mean so what! Its the fact that the students are fat. Kids are growing right? Anyway, I hate my primary school life. I didn't have a lot of friends and I'm the quiet type that always day dreaming. I've graduated from primary school with not so flying colors and I get the first choice of my secondary school. I know I didn't make a mistake going to that school.

Westwood Secondary School, that is the school that I went to. Age of 13, that is the age that we are starting to grow up and it was our first day in Secondary School, I remembered how nerdy I was and so does my classmates. Life in Secondary school is superb! You get to laugh a lot, study a lot (argh! Stress!), making fun of teachers (my favorite!) and the canteen food is cheap. I love receiving exam result slip because I was a top 10 students in my class every year. Yeah, I know you guys may think what's so great about it? Oh well, I get the satisfaction feeling and I'm lovin' it ba da ba ba ba (lame Mcdonalds jingle). 'N' level came and I've passed every subjects except for my english and of course, I was shocked. Never in my secondary school's life I've failed english. The best part is I passed my mathematics for the first time in my secondary school's life (thats kinda sad don't you think?). Graduated and cried at the graduation ceremony (so embarrassing.....).

Age 17, got myself into MacPherson ITE. Oh my God... My whole entire ITE's life is in agony. I hate morning classes and if there's lesson in the morning, I have to wake myself up and drag my ass to the bathroom. It's a long journey to my school and can you survive 1 hour of train ride while standing up (the train is always pack in the morning...)?!! Anyway, most of the subjects that I've learned really sucks (I chose the wrong course). I hate Info-Comm Technology. I never passed any of my exam and class tests. At the age of 18, things were the same until at the middle of the months of 2006......

It all began with 2 of my feet. I thought that I've been eating too much salty sour plum too much. Both of my feet were swollen and I'm getting fat. My knees were getting weak and some how, my back started to feel itch. I would always ask my mom to scratch my back. It is so damn itchy! During Hari Raya, My 2nd aunt noticed both of my feet and she asked my mom why is my feet swollen like a 5 months pregnant woman. My mom was of course, felt shocked and she never noticed it before. My aunt advised us to go to the doctor.

We went to a private clinic. Questions and answers with the doctor. She took my blood as specimen and to check whether I am alright. A few days later, received a post and it said that the blood were sent to hospital for further investigation. Another post came and it said that I have to go to N.U.H for an appointment. Went there on that day and I keep praying that I will be alright but it's not. As soon as me and my mom went in to the doctor's room, the doctor said that I was diagnosed with scleroderma. My mom and I were clueless about the sickness and of course, I was upset when the doctor said that scleroderma is a long term sickness.

To be continue....

♥ 7:02 AM ♥

♥ Purpose of This Blog ♥

The purpose of this blog is to know about Scleroderma. Not many people know what is that sickness. It is rare in Asia compare to other countries.

Read my blog entries. What you read about Scleroderma information on the internet is only a minimal information. Scleroderma is beyond.

This is the real-life of a Scleroderma Girl.

♥ The Owner ♥

Sofia Shah
20 years old

People that diagnosed with Scleroderma from all over the world, please feel free to email me so that we can share our sickness experience. Any questions, just email.


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> October 2008

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Designer: Nura - Ma - Lina